Lara’s life is like a spider’s web woven with threads of trust and sensuality. Every moment becomes a meeting place for energies, a dance with the unknown.
“So first of all,” she says, “the question was, what did our meeting mean, you know? It was simply meant for us to encounter each other.” For Lara, life is a journey of discovering what she has missed and embracing the beauty in the new.
“I only trust life,” she said with a gentle smile, “that everything happens, even if I don’t know it yet.” For Lara, every meeting has a meaning. “At some point, we were bound to meet, and I’m glad it happened that way.”
For Lara, sensuality is about more than just physical pleasure. It’s a mix of her own needs, energies, and desires to be a free woman.
Yet, amidst life’s pleasures, there are doubts: “Body positivity isn’t so clear to me,” Lara admits. “I think it’s a lot about me accepting my body, which I don’t really do. That’s my biggest problem.”
Lara’s journey is, like many, a delicate balance between asserting her own needs while navigating others’ desires. “I like people who give me a hand and show me where to go, it’s important to me.”
Her laughter is filled with infectious warmth. “I find joy in life no matter what I do.”
“Maybe I feel that my eyebrows or my lips are a bit too dark,” says Lara. “But that’s just me. I like the pictures.”